Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bear with me…


I’m trying a new blog thingie.  It’s where it only shows you a summary on the main page, and you have to click through to see the whole post. 

There are two reasons I’m trying this out:

  1. It lets me figure out which stories are you find most interesting by tracking the number of times they’ve been clicked.  This helps me improve my writing.
  2. Sometimes the stories get long, especially when I insert a bunch of pictures.  I know that scrolling down-down-down can be a pain, especially as I’m catching up and pre-dating stories.

NOTE: None of this really matters – only a handful of people read this anyway…

So let me know if this is a huge bother (by commenting on this post), and I’ll revert.

Picture used with permission from Ron Niebrugge @

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